
Powerful 1:1 remote healing sessions

If you desire next level healing, I’m so glad you found me!

I work as a deep transformational healer & spiritual midwife. Using my powerful & unique healing gifts I have helped 1000’s of women worldwide heal all sorts of emotional, mental, spiritual & physical issues with remarkable results. I enjoy helping women call in their spirit babies & conceive ♡

If you feel called, I’d love to work with you. You may also book a remote healing for your child/ren. See testimonials here

Choose a remote healing session below and you’ll be contacted to set up your booking.
If you’re new to me or wish to conceive, I recommend the Healing bundle to get the most benefit. You may also start with a single session.

ADULT 1:1 Deep transformational Healing remote session

Healing Bundle ~ 3 remote sessions to be completed within 3 months

CHILD (2-15 yrs) remote healing session

BABY (0-2 yr) remote healing session

*For acute situations in children I will do the session ASAP whenever possible.

Please note, the healing frequencies will begin as soon as you purchase. For some clients their issues resolve even before they have their session, which means we can work even deeper.

How a healing session works

Once you’ve booked, send me an e-mail to info@heartbliss.dk with what you’d like me to work on. On the allotted day I’ll send you a message when I begin the session if you wish, so you can lie down in a quiet place to receive it. However, this is not at all necessary for it to work and you may carry on your day or night as you would normally do.

After your healing I will send you a short email or voice message with what I have worked on and any pointers that could help you further.

Examples of what I’ve worked on

All female issues: hormonal, emotional, conception, pregnancy, incl foetal issues. New born and toddler issues. Moving stents within the body, limb paralysis, healing appendices so no need for surgery. I just helped a mother and baby: he couldn’t poop by himself and at 4 months the doctors were suggesting permanent laxatives. After one healing session he pooped 3 x that day within 1 hr of the session. Then regularly and is now doing wonderfully. I helped the mother clear anxiety and fomo, which meant the baby could relax and fall asleep and now sleeps well, where before he was anxious and had difficulty falling asleep.

What else is possible?

I absolutely love what I do & look forward to working with you!
♡ Camille